Friday, May 11, 2012

Balsamic Tomatoes & Black Olives Salad

There are so many salad varieties. The beautiful thing about salads is that they are very forgiving. You can use whatever vegetables you have on hand and measurements don't have to be perfect. You literally just toss it all together in a bowl and serve it.

For this salad, I combined

grape tomatoes
black olives
cubes of mozzarella cheese
green spring onions

Then I added a glug of balsamic vingear, a splash of water, a dusting of sugar, and a couple sprinkles of salt & pepper. (See how specific these measurements are??!!)

That's it! You can serve immediately, or allow to marinate in the vinegar for a little while. I actually made a small slice on each of the tomatoes and allowed the salad to sit  for about an hour to nicely marinate in the dressing.

*I was experimenting with how to cut these fancy green onions. I think this is what works. If someone knows a better way, please share.

-cut off the bottom white bulb and the greens on top so that you are left with about 3-4 inches
-cut lengthwise down about 3/4 of the way, starting from the top greens
-turn and cut 1-2 more times, like you are making an X or *
-place in a bowl of cold water and allow to sit for 20 minutes, or until the pieces begin to curl

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